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September 20, 2005

Centile Spectra, Measurement Times, and Statistics of Ground Vibration

Facilities for advanced technology—particularly nanotechnology—impose very stringent requirements on the quality of the site. Ambient ground vibrations are among the most critical factors to consider when selecting a site. Commonly-accepted vibration criteria are available and they, in turn, dictate many of the measurement parameters such as bandwidth, frequency range, etc. However, there are still many options available to the analyst for representing time-varying statistics. This paper reviews some of the statistically-based protocols for data representation for these facilities.

H. Amick, M. Gendreau, and N. Wongprasert, “Centile Spectra, Measurement Times, and Statistics of Ground Vibration,” in Environmental Vibrations: Prediction, Monitoring, and Evaluation (ISEV2005), ed. H. Takemiya, Taylor & Francis, 2005
