News, Research, and Scientific Discovery
Hal Amick
We are saddened to share the news that Dr. Hal Amick, a long time employee and one of CGA’s Principals, passed away at the age of 73. Hal was a wonderful friend, mentor, and inspiration to many, and we will miss him dearly. He was one of the world’s foremost experts in the field of […]...
Tradeline Article on Caltech GCQPM
Tradeline recently published a detailed article on the new Caltech Ginsburg Center for Quantum Precision Measurement (GCQPM), a project being designed by HOK and constructed by Pankow – with acoustics and vibration consulting support provided by CGA. The main design driver for the facility will be Quantum Physics labs located within the basement – located […]...
Cal Poly Frost Center – 2024 Design Awards Honor Recipient
The California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, William and Linda Frost Center for Research and Innovation has received a 2024 Design Awards Honor from AIA California. Colin Gordon Associates worked with ZGF Architects providing both acoustics and vibration consulting services. The Frost Center is the first interdisciplinary building at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo […]...
USC Discovery and Translational Hub Gets City Planning Commission Approval
The new Discovery and Translational Hub on the University of Southern California Health Sciences campus, a project on which CGA is collaborating with SmithGroup, recently received approval from the Los Angeles City Planning Commission. This project will connect to another past CGA project on the USC Health Sciences campus, Keck Medicine’s Broad Center for Regenerative […]...
Groundbreaking for Heathcock Hall on UC Berkeley’s College of Chemistry
The groundbreaking ceremony for Heathcock Hall, a new research and educational facility at the University of California – Berkeley, recently took place on May 2nd, 2024. Colin Gordon Associates is working with HOK providing vibration and acoustics consulting services, on the design of the new facility, named for the former dean of the College of […]...
Hal Amick – IEST Fellow!
Our own Hal Amick was awarded IEST (Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology) Fellowship, “in recognition of his esteemed work in the field of structural and mechanical vibration, as a problem-solver, technical advisor, and mentor as well as an invaluable contributor to the IEST Nanotechnology program.” “Fellowship is lifetime honor bestowed on current members in […]...
ASU’s Rob & Melani Walton Center for Planetary Health Opens
The Rob & Melani Walton Center for Planetary Heath is Arizona State University’s newest research building. Colin Gordon Associates provided vibration and noise services for ASU, which included working with the design team member Architekton, for the 281,000 sq ft, $192 Million project. The building is located at a busy intersection, close to an entertainment […]...
ENR Southeast Announces 2023 Best Project Winners
For the 2023 Regional Best Projects, Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc. (HOK) was awarded Best Project, Higher Education/Research, for the Emory University Health Sciences Research Building II (HSRB II) in Atlanta GA, for which Colin Gordon Associates performed vibration and acoustic consulting. The facility, which abuts with train tracks that are used by CSX freight […]...