Expertise Facility Types

News, Research, and Scientific Discovery

Welcome to the new CGA website!

It’s been a long time coming, but we’re pleased to share our brand new website with you! Designed by The Present Group, the new site is intended to provide a more detailed look at some of the interesting projects and research that we’ve been involved in, and the relationship between the two. This website will […]...
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Innovations in Semiconductor Development at the University of Waterloo QNC

Researchers at the University of Waterloo have developed a technique that could potentially allow for the mass production of semiconductors made of single-walled carbon nanotubes.  These carbon-based semiconductors have the potential to be cheaper, smaller, faster and more energy efficient than those made from silicon.  This research was conducted at the University’s Lazaridis Quantum-Nano Centre […]...
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Take a sneak peek inside ASU’s new Biodesign C building

Biodesign C, at Arizona State University’s Tempe campus, is currently in its build phase and expected to open April 2018. Designed by ZGF Architects with acoustical and vibration consulting by Colin Gordon Associates, this is the third interdisciplinary science and technology lab within the complex. Biodesign C will house the world’s first compact X-ray free-electron […]...
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Facility Profile: Pritzker Nanofabrication Facility — University of Chicago

The Pritzker Nanofabrication Facility, located in the University of Chicago’s Eckhardt Research Center, is a new advanced imaging lab and cleanroom for processing hard and soft lithographic materials at the molecular level. Controlled Environments Magazine recently published an article detailing how CGA worked with HOK and The University of Chicago to create an underground high-performance, low […]...
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Next-Generation Satellite Testing and Manufacturing

Lockheed Martin recently announced construction of a new 266,000 square-foot, $350 million satellite manufacturing facility near Denver, CO.  The facility, for which CGA is providing vibration and acoustic consulting, is intended to consolidate key aspects of satellite production in a single facility.  This consolidation brings multiple challenges from a noise and vibration standpoint, as numerous […]...
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CGA Helps “Green” Tech Buildings

The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies selected two CGA projects for SmithGroup as winners of their 2017 Green Good Design (UC Merced Science & Engineering II, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Chu Hall – Solar Energy Research Center). The awards celebrate exceptional design […]...
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U Waterloo Quantum-Nano Centre Honored

The Lazaridis Quantum-Nano Centre has been selected for the design excellence award by the Ontario Architects Association (OAA).  This new laboratory facility, for which CGA provided vibration consulting, is designed to host numerous highly sensitive laboratories, including the Quantum Nano Fab, Institute for Quantum Computer (IQC) and Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology (WIN).  CGA provided significant […]...
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2016 California Scottish Fiddle Competition – Colin Gordon Memorial

It’s once again time for the annual California Scottish Fiddle Competition, which will be held on Saturday, October 8th on the Ventura County Fairgrounds in Ventura, CA.  The event, part of the Seaside Highland Games for the seventh year in a row, is sponsored in part by CGA and is held in the memory of […]...
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