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U Waterloo Quantum-Nano Centre Honored

The Lazaridis Quantum-Nano Centre has been selected for the design excellence award by the Ontario Architects Association (OAA).  This new laboratory facility, for which CGA provided vibration consulting, is designed to host numerous highly sensitive laboratories, including the Quantum Nano Fab, Institute for Quantum Computer (IQC) and Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology (WIN).  CGA provided significant input into the structural, mechanical, and architectural design in order to meet the extremely stringent vibration criteria for these labs.  CGA’s evaluations of the facility found that the ground level laboratories met the NIST-A criterion, an extremely challenging criterion to meet, while upper levels suspended slabs met criteria as stringent as VC-E.  The facility, which celebrated its grand opening in 2012 with Stephen Hawking in attendance, provides laboratory environments that will likely facilitate groundbreaking research in quantum information and nanotechnology for years to come.