Expertise Facility Types

Research tagged "biological effects"

Vibration Kills’ and Other Lessons from the Trenches

In many areas of acoustics and vibration control, criteria are based upon parameters such as comfort, privacy, intelligibility, productivity, or machine precision.  One can approach these criteria with a somewhat dispassionate attitude.  However, when working with the biological research communities, one is periodically reminded by the researchers and medical practitioners that much of their work […]...
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Vibration Sensitivity of a Laboratory Bench Microscope

Bench-mounted optical microscopes have a wide variety of applications in science and technology.  The vibration sensitivity is a function of magnification, vibration direction and support conditions.  The paper presents the results of experimental studies addressing vibration sensitivity as well as the amplification and attenuation provided by typical laboratory casework.  The benchtop vibration amplitudes at which […]...
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