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Tradeline Article on Caltech GCQPM

Tradeline recently published a detailed article on the new Caltech Ginsburg Center for Quantum Precision Measurement (GCQPM), a project being designed by HOK and constructed by Pankow – with acoustics and vibration consulting support provided by CGA. The main design driver for the facility will be Quantum Physics labs located within the basement – located roughly 30 feet below grade level. Planned research at the new facility includes understanding complex quantum systems, development of gravitational wave detections, theory of fundamental particles, and the development and use of specialized lasers. As detailed in the article, the combination of these extremely vibration- and noise-sensitive quantum labs and building location was a significant challenge for the design, which CGA has helped to address via site measurements along detailed analyses and recommendations throughout design. The proximity to other existing vibration-sensitive labs in adjacent building in a continuing challenge for the construction of the facility, which CGA is also helping to address.

The facility is scheduled to open in the summer of 2026.