Expertise Facility Types

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Our consultants regularly engage in research activities related to our normal client services. This archive includes the majority of the published technical papers, presentations, and other publications related to this research.

Control of infrasonic noise from mechanical ventilation systems in sensitive imaging laboratories

High resolution imaging equipment, such as transmission and scanning electron microscopes, can be very sensitive to the environment in which they are installed.  Environmental factors including temperature, electromagnetic interference, vibration, and noise must be considered in the design of laboratories intended to house such instruments.  With regard to noise, this equipment is often most sensitive […]...
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Acoustics: The impact of low-frequency sound (infrasound) on imaging equipment in nanoscale research

The presentation reviews issues associated with low frequency sound—sources, human perception, typical levels, and effects on imaging systems.  A set of infrasound criteria are presented which correlate imaging resolution with low frequency sound levels.  Design features intended to mitigate infrasound generation and impact are discussed. M. Gendreau, "Acoustics: The impact of low-frequency sound (infrasound) on […]...
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Effects of frequency and depth on attenuation of ambient ground vibration.

This article discusses the effects of below-grade building placement on vibrations measured prior to design and construction. Typically, site vibration studies are conducted on undeveloped locations (grass fields, parking lots, etc.) to assess the ambient vibration conditions for a potential building site. These results, though very important, do not necessarily represent the final ambient vibration […]...
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Solution of noise transmission problems by in situ segregation of composite transmission factors of complex partitions using sound intensity

In order to make the best decisions for reducing noise transmission through a complex partition, it is necessary to differentiate and determine the relative contribution of the partition elements to the transmitted noise. A “complex partition” is here defined as a partition with multiple elements in the plane perpendicular to the impinging noise, such as […]...
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Voids Beneath Slabs-on-Ground: Using the impulse response test to verify adequate slab support

Introduction A concrete slab-on-ground is one of the most common of all floor types.  Slabs-on-ground are popular for many applications, especially in research facilities, where they usually provide the highest-quality vibration environment.  This is because they are stiff and uniformly supported, such that they do not exhibit the resonance characteristics of a suspended slab. As […]...
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Vibration sensitivity of optical microscopes in the healthcare setting

The paper examines vibration criteria for benchtop and articulated floor-supported optical microscopes, comparing published specifications with data measured in hospitals for diagnostic purposes.  A case study of vibrations that degraded orthopedic microsurgery is of particular interest.  Revisions and enhancements of published criteria are proposed. H. Amick and M. Gendreau, “Vibration sensitivity of optical microscopes in […]...
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The Effect of Varying Acoustic Pressure on Vibration Isolation Platforms Supported on Air Springs

Air spring isolation systems are commonly used to support sources of vibration, or equipment sensitive to vibration, in order to reduce vibration transmission from source to receiver. In the latter case, commercial isolation tables or custom-designed “plinths” may use isolation systems to provide reduced vibration environments at the base of sensitive equipment supported on them. […]...
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Long-span truss structures for low-vibration environments

Historically, waffle slabs have been widely used in the process floor design in semiconductor production facilities.  In a less stringent vibration environment, concrete joist slab with stiffeners could be a suitable design option. In both of the two approaches, the effectiveness of vibration control in floor structures would be substantially reduced when the column span […]...
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Mode Selection for Footfall Analysis of Floors

Floor vibration due to footfall is of great importance in the design of buildings for vibration-sensitive research and production. The bulk of the predictive modeling methods for footfall involve the use of the “fundamental” resonance frequency which would be excited by the walker. In a complex structure, the analyst may be presented with a choice […]...
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Mechanical and Footfall Vibration Impact to Healthcare Facilities: Criteria and Design Strategies based on Research and Case Studies

The authors present a review of current healthcare facility vibration criteria: Process of selecting criteria Process of selecting design parameters Case Study: Surgical microscope and its criteria Summary of criteria we use   M. Gendreau and H. Amick, “Mechanical and Footfall Vibration Impact to Healthcare Facilities: Criteria and Design Strategies based on Research and Case […]...
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Generic Noise Criterion Curves for Sensitive Equipment

ABSTRACT Electron beam-based instruments, and other high-resolution instruments, are sensitive to the environment in which they operate. Adverse environments may limit achievable resolution. Equipment manufacturers provide specifications defining acceptable amplitudes of various environmental contaminants, such as vibration, electro-magnetic energies, and acoustic noise. However, the quality of these specifications varies significantly, from well-defined to conjectural. Additionally, […]...
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Vibration Kills’ and Other Lessons from the Trenches

In many areas of acoustics and vibration control, criteria are based upon parameters such as comfort, privacy, intelligibility, productivity, or machine precision.  One can approach these criteria with a somewhat dispassionate attitude.  However, when working with the biological research communities, one is periodically reminded by the researchers and medical practitioners that much of their work […]...
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The Effect of Buildings on Ground Vibration Propagation

This paper discusses the effects of buildings on ground vibration propagation. Typically, site vibration studies are conducted on undeveloped locations (grass fields, parking lots, etc.) to assess the ambient vibration conditions for a potential building site. These results, though very important, do not necessarily represent the final ambient vibration conditions that would be observed in […]...
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Centile Spectra, Measurement Times, and Statistics of Ground Vibration

Facilities for advanced technology—particularly nanotechnology—impose very stringent requirements on the quality of the site. Ambient ground vibrations are among the most critical factors to consider when selecting a site. Commonly-accepted vibration criteria are available and they, in turn, dictate many of the measurement parameters such as bandwidth, frequency range, etc. However, there are still many […]...
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Evolving criteria for research facilities: vibration

ABSTRACT The paper presents a review of generic vibration criteria used for vibration-sensitive technical facilities. The paper reviews the logic behind and evolution of the Vibration Criterion (VC) curves, originally known as the “BBN” criteria, and discusses the background of a generic criterion in common usage for nanotechnology, currently denoted NIST-A. The criteria are compared […]...
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Vibration and noise criteria used to evaluate environmental impacts of transportation projects on sensitive facilities

The paper examines the methodologies and evaluation criteria advocated by the U.S. Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and Federal Rail Administration (FRA) used to determine whether or not a proposed alignment for a transportation project adversely impacts affected land uses, such as research & development and high-technology manufacturing. The criteria in question are applied as limits […]...
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Considerations regarding the appropriate timing for advanced technology facility vibration surveys

Vibration surveys are carried out for a variety of reasons over the lifetime of a facility for semiconductor fabrication (fab) or other advanced technology process.[1] Evaluations may take place as part of the site selection effort, during construction, or during the productive life of the facility. Generally, there should be a reason for a vibration […]...
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Maturation’ of the Vibration Environment in Advanced Technology Facilities

Abstract Semiconductor production and other advanced technology facilities are often designed in two stages, delineated as “base build” and “hook up”. The first stage, at completion termed “as-built” by ISO, includes the design and construction of the shell structure and all architectural, mechanical, electrical, and process systems needed to operate the building. The second stage, […]...
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Micro-Vibration and Noise

Noise and vibration are contaminants in semiconductor processing and research. Since the tools used in semiconductor manufacturing are sensitive to vibration and noise to varying degrees, excessive amounts of these contaminants can adversely impact yield, throughput, or the operating line width or resolution of the tools. In addition to the potential impact to tools, noise […]...
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Tool or Facility – What Should it Be? Reconciling Differences between Production Equipment Needs and Facility Support

It is not unusual for production equipment’s environmental requirements to be more stringent than the facility can economically provide, thus forming a “gap” between tool needs and facility capabilities, as shown in Fig. 1.  The gap can involve requirements for vibration, sound, EMI, cleanliness, or any of the many other environmental parameters.  This paper presents […]...
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Actual Vibration and Acoustics Measures on a Completed Nanotech Building — Duffield Hall

A case study, including vibration performance data, of one of the first buildings designed for nanoscale research. H. Amick, M. Gendreau and T. Xu, “Actual Vibration and Acoustics Measures on a Completed Nanotech Building — Duffield Hall,” invited presentation for the 2004 International Conference “Nanotechnology Research Space – The Next Step,” August 15-16, 2004, Ithaca, […]...
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Noise in Cleanrooms Served by Fan-Filter Units: Design Considerations

This paper is concerned with noise conditions in cleanrooms served by fan-filter units (FFUs), primarily of higher order clean class (ISO Class 1 through 5), although the concepts discussed also apply to rooms with higher particle counts (ISO Class 6 and higher). The need for frequent air changes to achieve the cleanliness goal is often […]...
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The Effects of Ground Vibrations on Nanotechnology Research Facilities

This paper examines the environmental requirements of nanotechnology from the perspective of a member of the advanced technology building design team, the vibration consultant.  It explores the variety of vibration environments required by different parts of the nanotechnology community, and how some of the more demanding of these environments are being provided.  A desirable vibration […]...
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Vibration Design of 300 mm Wafer Fabs

The semiconductor industry is experiencing the transition from 200mm to 300mm fabs. With a number of 300mm fabs now on-line, and many more in the construction and start-up stages, a discussion of 300mm fab design is pertinent. Vibration is an important concern in fab design and construction because many items of precision equipment (or “tools”) […]...
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Building Design for Advanced Technology Instruments Sensitive to Acoustical Noise

This is from the first of the BAT Workshops, and presents an overview of acoustics and noise control in the research setting. M. Gendreau, “Building Design for Advanced Technology Instruments Sensitive to Acoustical Noise,” Invited Seminar, presented at Buildings for Advanced Technology Workshop, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg MD, USA, 14 January 2003...
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Vibrations of Raised Access Floors

Raised access floors play a critical role in modern cleanroom design. They have unique mechanical properties that make them respond to dynamic loading in a manner quite different from conventional floors. For example, an unbraced floor is much more flexible horizontally than in the vertical direction. Horizontal vibration amplitudes with walker excitation may exceed 100 […]...
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Facility Vibration Issues for Nanotechnology Research

The paper presents an overview of the vibration requirements of nanotechnology facilities, drawn from both the semiconductor world and that of precision metrology. Structural approaches are discussed which are commonly used to meet some of the special vibration needs of these facilities. H. Amick, M. Gendreau, and C. G. Gordon, “Facility Vibration Issues for Nanotechnology […]...
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Specification of the effects of acoustic noise on optical tools

Optical Tools respond to internal vibration that can be excited by the external acoustic environment. The degree to which this occurs depends on many factors, but primarily the correspondence between the resonance characteristics of the tool and the frequency content of the acoustic environment in which it operates. Adverse noise environments, such as those often […]...
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Construction Vibrations and Their Impact on Vibration-Sensitive Facilities

Abstract An approach is presented for performing site-specific assessment of the impact of construction vibrations on vibration-sensitive facilities. This requires expansion of existing methodologies such that frequency content is included. A case study is included. Introduction Many processes involved in advanced technology applications are highly sensitive to vibrations. Among these processes are precision metrology, high-energy […]...
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Environmental Noise Control for Semiconductor Manufacturing Facilities

This paper summarizes the authors' experience in modeling and controlling environmental noise from more than 30 semiconductor manufacturing plants ("wafer fabs") within the past six years. This type of facility typically has a large number of concentrated noise sources because of the unusually large amount of intake and circulation air required to maintain cleanroom conditions, […]...
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Effects of Acoustic Noise on Optical Equipment

Optical tools respond to internal vibration that can be excited by the external acoustic environment. The degree to which this occurs depends on many factors, but primarily the correspondence between the resonance characteristics of the tool and the frequency content of the acoustic environment in which it operates. Adverse noise environments, such as those often […]...
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Dynamic Characteristics of Structures Extracted from In-situ Testing

The paper discusses two primary areas of interest in a structural evaluation. First, in-situ measurements are used to confirm the predicted structural stiffnesses and resonance frequencies. Second, the evaluation characterizes the manner in which vibrations are propagated through the structure. Methodologies are presented for carrying out these measurements, and typical data are given. H. Amick, […]...
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